A labret is an accessory worn in a pierced hole around the lips and is commonly found in cultures throughout the world. The most popular labret piercings are directly above the upper lip, directly below the lower lip, and beneath either edge of the lower lip. Whether you pierced your lip yourself or had it professionally done, it is important to keep your
labret piercing consistently clean. Use this guide to clean your labret piercings, and consult your personal physician immediately if they become infected.

How to Clean Self-Pierced Labret
- Wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching and cleaning your labret piercing.
- Soak the piercing with saline solution once a day to avoid skin discoloration and remove buildup. Soak a cotton swab with saline solution to clean the pierced surface.
- Rinse mouth with salt water or alcohol-free antibacterial mouth rinse after every meal.
- Use dental floss to remove plaque buildup on the end of your labret jewelry.
- Do not share lipstick or lip balm when you have a labret piercing. Apply it directly from the tube instead of using your finger, to keep the piercing clean.