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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Piercing & Tattoo: Body piercings: Piercing a nose: Risk of piercing your nose

body piercings, Piercing a nose, nose keloid as a result of piercing, how long does a nose piercing take to close up, Piercing and Tattoo, risk of piercing your noseCare of nose piercing usual, as well as for any other kinds of superficial nose keloid as a result of piercing operations. At a wrong choice of an ornament, an allergy on poor-quality metal, basically on a surgical steel, occurrences colloids how long does a nose piercing take to close up which are possible leave is operational in salon with the subsequent change of an ornament with a biolayer, the titan or high-standard gold of 750 tests.

Piercing & Tattoo: Body piercings: Piercing a nose: Deep piercing

Deep piercing is a so-called deep piercing when are pierced wings a nose above usual level. Here there is no any more a speech about cartilage punctures, here the puncture nose keloid as a result of piercing becomes exclusively in a cartilage! About healing of such piercing it is possible to tell only one: or will begin to live or not - at all differently.

In any case septum, a wing of a nose, a bridge, deep piercing it is necessary to do puncture positioning duly, differently occurrence how long does a nose piercing take to close up colloids’ is inevitable. Moreover, for a nose puncture special needles, instead of catheter with which cannot be made correct movement are necessary
body piercings, Piercing a nose, nose keloid as a result of piercing, how long does a nose piercing take to close up, Deep piercing, septum, Piercing & Tattoo

Piercing & Tattoo: Body piercings: Piercing a nose: Bridge piercing, Deep nose piercing and Vertical project

Bridge piercing, Deep nose piercing and Vertical project really are one of all difficult, painful and extreme kinds of piercing on the keloid as a result of piercing person. If with Bridge piercing all clearly is a puncture over a nose, hardly below a line of eyebrows, - that deep piercing and vertical piercing deserve separate attention.
Piercing on the centre of a line of a nose, from the basis to a tip, is visible in a photo. Complexity of the given puncture consists how long does a nose piercing take to close up that Septum should not be damaged. That is the needle should pass vertically under such corner not to touch a partition. Rather painful and badly healing puncture as there is a damage of the big site of cartilages of a tip of a nose.
body piercings, Piercing a nose, nose keloid as a result of piercing, how long does a nose piercing take to close up, Bridge piercing, Deep nose piercing, Vertical project

Piercing &Tattoo: Body piercings: Piercing a nose: Septum piercing

Septum piercing - this puncture of a partition of a nose by right is considered the most painful on the person. Here again anesthesia is powerless: superficial spray will not freeze a cartilage, and a prick анестетика only will cause a superfluous pain. For piercing Septum use rings, horseshoes or septum keeper various diameter as the victim will wish. Complexity consists only in that a puncture to make to precisely perpendicularly nose, differently the ornament will stand crookedly and to be filled up aside.body piercings, Piercing a nose, nose keloid as a result of piercing, how long does a nose piercing take to close up, septum piercing, Puncture of a wing of a nose, Piercing & Tattoo

Piercing & Tattoo: Body piercings: Piercing a nose: Puncture of a wing of a nose

body piercings, Piercing a nose, nose keloid as a result of piercing, how long does a nose piercing take to close up, how to make a nose piercing invisible, Puncture of a wing of a noseThe puncture of a wing of a nose does not represent any problems neither for the master, nor for a victim: at correct observance of standard techniques there are either no blood body piercings, or consequences. As ornaments carnations from Piercing a nose the titan or gold 1.0mm or 0.8mm are used by thickness. It is possible to use also nostril studs - mikrolabert, at which very small hat and small ball with a stone or without.

Problems at statement microlabert are not present any unless it is nose keloid as a result of piercing necessary to get skilled at to twist small balls, diameter only 3мм. And here with statement a carnation the master sometimes should torment a victim. The matter is that the form a carnation not a straight line, and with a bend that how long does a nose piercing take to close up allows an ornament to nestle densely on an internal surface of a nostril and not to drop out. Therefore, when we change a needle and carnations places, it is necessary to do "rolling" movements as though we twist an ornament. To do it it is how to make a nose piercing invisible necessary as fast as possible and accurately - try to pinch slightly itself for a nose and you will feel, why. After all anesthesia in a nose cartilage to make it is practically impossible and there is no need.

body piercings, Piercing a nose, nose keloid as a result of piercing, how long does a nose piercing take to close up, how to make a nose piercing invisible, Puncture of a wing of a nose

Piercing & Tattoo: Body piercings

body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & TattooPiercing for all any more is not something outstanding. Women and men, grandmothers and grandfathers do not look any more with horror and exclamations, moaning and аханьем at passing by young men with punctured noses, lips, eyebrows and other parts of a body hidden under clothes. Nevertheless, piercing remains the phenomenon fashionable. And for anybody not a secret, that hundreds teenagers, girls and young men dream of a treasured puncture, and think, where all the same it to make, that it was fashionable, not how belly button piercing hurt at everything, and it is beautiful. And if you have already dared at this completely body piercings not ordinary step read attentively. Your head was visited by obsession. It seems to you, that if you will not make piercing tomorrow, it more never will be possible to you. But remember, that with it never it is impossible to hasten. It is necessary to consider properly all (I understand, that when very much would be desirable something to think difficult, but try nevertheless).
body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & TattooNothing can stop you? It is good, then choose the master. Do not listen to friends who say, that to itself have pierced a navel, the nose, ears etc. is better to body piercings walk around salons, to look works, to choose the skilled master, can consult to belly button piercing procedure those who already did to itself(himself) piercing. In salon process will be less painful and less dangerous. Before going on this hard procedure, it is necessary to eat well to avoid undesirable consequences – a nausea, dizzinesses and other. You in salon. And here it is necessary to be extremely vigilant. Disinfection at piercing almost the most important thing!

Now about the ornament. It should be made from implantant a surgical corrosion-proof alloy (a so-called medical steel) or ниобия. Remember that silver and gold approaches only for piercing of ears. If you have decided to punch area between body piercings nostrils or the top part of an ear the needle should be thicker, than an ornament. But about it as, however, and about everything, that with belly button piercing aftercare it is connected, the master should know. If piercing becomes with observance of all rules at the majority of people blood almost does not act. At correct piercing the basic nerves, arteries and veins are not touched.

body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & TattooPunctures differently heal. It depends on a place of a puncture, health of the person and from that, how much correctly you look after a wound. Besides, it depends on quality of a jewel. Do not forget, that after a puncture behind a wound the careful risk of piercing your belly button control and leaving is necessary. From a place where the puncture has been made, the yellowish liquid – a lymph is usually allocated, it can stiffen on a ring, therefore it should be cleaned. It becomes the wadded tampon moistened in a body piercings special solution. But it can be made and most, having dissolved 2-3 teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water. To wash out a ring and a puncture it belly button piercing small is necessary two times a day. At all do not take out an ornament from not begun to live wound, it can lead to infection hit, do not touch once again a puncture place, do not tear off a crust with ранки. Besides, it is necessary to remember, that various psychotropic substances, alcohol, nonslip, stress influence healing process.
body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & Tattoo
body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & Tattoo
body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & Tattoo
body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & Tattoo
body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & Tattoo
body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & Tattoo
body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & Tattoo
body piercings, belly button piercing small, belly button piercing aftercare, belly button piercing procedure, belly button piercing hurt, risk of piercing your belly button, Piercing & Tattoo
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Monday, July 13, 2009

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Friday, July 10, 2009